The latest and greatest in pictures from Kenya
Here's a random assortment of pics from Elgon and The Farmer Field Day, in no particular order. They turned out really dark on this computer but I think it's the monitor. If they are hard to see let me know and I will brighten them up.

Here I am cutting the cake to a "Katakata Kaki Joseph" song at the Farmer Field Day
Here a storm is approaching on the walk back from Mt. Elgon. It looked like we would bit hit head on but it blew to the left and passed us by.
This is a Waterbuck in Mt. Elgon National Park
In the background is the ledge we hiked to the top of to overlook the park
This is one of the views across Mt. Elgon Park from the overlook
Sarah and I on the ledge with Mt. Elgon in the background
This is a beautiful flame tree that had no green leaves, and instead is covered by giant red flowers

Mt Elgon on the trip back to Kitale
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