Pictures!! -- Finally

On one of the visits into the surrounding community we stopped at a Church that is receiving funding from BJCF. An all too familiar sight, whenever large groups of wazungu congregate in a Kenyan village building the windows fill with curious children.

Can you find me in this picture?
Now onto my own Orphan's group back in Kakamega, The Wake Up Women's Group. This is a secondary project of mine I'll go into more detail on in my next blog post:
This is the Wake Up Women's Group members and children posing for a picture
Here we are serving the Children lunch for an Easter Holiday party. Everyone else is apparently fine, but this very lunch put me in the hospital with a nasty stomach bug that I'm still fighting
This is Brenda, the HIV positive little girl I'm working with. She has an infection on the left side of her face that has caused it to swell (an opportunistic disease caused from her weakened immune system), and as soon as the medicine she has been given for this clears the infection the doctor will put Brenda on ARV's (antiretroviral drugs), which may even be able to bring her health back to that of a normal ten year old kid.
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