Not a Christmas pic but one I forgot to post from the Farmer Field Day a few weeks back. This is a dancer in traditional Luhya clothing. He was absolutely nuts.

Covering up the water damage in preparation for the Christmas party.

Here's my mantle decorated for Christmas, complete with lights, candles, stockings (second hand Christmas socks from street vendors) and even a tree. Things turned out really nice.

...And here are two volunteers showing off the finished product. Above the mantel is a laso, which is usually wrapped around women's waists, but was given to me as a gift and is now used to cover a mold spot. It says "Watu kwa Amani" which means "People of Peace" and since it is red, white, and blue makes an appropriate Peace Corps tapestry.

Here are a few of us bathing, shaving, brushing their teeth, etc. in the back yard. There were also four tents in the front yard and a few people sleeping under the stars. 15 Mzungu's in a small African village draws a lot of attention.

Here we are loading up into the pickup truck for the ride to the rainforest Christmas morning.

The ride to the rainforest. We got plenty of looks and I ended up hanging off the back to make enough room for everyone.

A few pics of the rainforest on Christmas day...

Here are some of the trees in the rainforest. The one we are standing on is gigantic so there's no way to do it justice with a camera.

When you take about 5000 monkey pictures, a few of them are bound to turn out well. This is my favorite. It's a blue monkey, taking a break from swinging around in the trees above our campsite.
So Kenya believe it? I got all these pics to post right here in Kakamega. Looks like I've found the best cyber cafe, they even served me tea. Anyway, time to get on with things but happy holidays.
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