Pics from November and December 2006
I should have done this while home over the holidays, but between becoming briefly addicted to MySpace and spending most of my time with friends and family, I just didn't fit it in. Anyway, I'm in Nairobi now and the web is at least somewhat faster than Kakamega, so here's a few pics of various adventures and projects over the last few months.

These creepy animal costumes were worn by some guys who I imagine were paid a few shillings to dance around outside the supermarket. They were smoking cigarettes in their suits and would blow the smoke out the eyeholes. You don't see that at Disney World.

The Kibera slums outside Nairobi: 800,000 people living in less than 3 square miles.
A cheetah from my brief visit to the Masai Mara park in early December. Every time she was about to pounce another vehicle full of tourists would pull up and distract her.
Tea workers on a plantation in the Nandi Hills. I passed this while on a 50 mile bike ride during the second weekend of December.
The bike ride through the Nandi Hills ended with a panoramic view and this water fall.
These creepy animal costumes were worn by some guys who I imagine were paid a few shillings to dance around outside the supermarket. They were smoking cigarettes in their suits and would blow the smoke out the eyeholes. You don't see that at Disney World.
The Kibera slums outside Nairobi: 800,000 people living in less than 3 square miles.
A Lion at the Masai Mara park. I was just a few feet away and snapped the picture out a car window.
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