Monday, February 12, 2007

Loads of Pics!!

I'm in Nairobi staying at the extremely nice house of the chairman of the DrumNet program. I'm a little behind on my blog but now's as good a time as any to take advantage of the fast Internet and post a few pics from the last month.

This is Bodo, a coastal village I passed on my way to Funzi Island. Kenya is so amazingly diverse. This place is completely different than Kakamega, from the culture to the architecture to the landscape.

I took a boat ride down a coastal river last Friday and found this sinister croc hiding out under the mangroves

Fisherman waist deep, not 50 feet away from the croc I saw. I was told a medice man has a special ointment the shrimpers use to keep the crocs away.

The trains apparently go a bit slower around this turn nowadays

Along the bay on the way to the coastal river

A close up of one of the hundreds of different catepillars living in the rainforest

A crested crane, the national emblem of Uganda and a common site in Kenya as well

Bugs on the coast are ginourmous. I used the ballpoint pen to provide a sense of scale.

A coral reef during low tide in the coastal town of Msambweni. For several hundred yards you are able to walk past tide pools filled with starfish, sea urchins, crabs, colorful fish, and even the occational octopus

A fishing dhow on the return trip to the shoreline. The man on the right is standing on the pontoon to act as a counterweght and keep the boat upright