Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Kakamega Site Visit

So my site visit was great. I've decided Kitui is a good place to train because after living in a place so hot, barren, and dry it's so nice to go somewhere green and scenic. On the way to Kakamega there were Zebras and Baboons on the side of the road and on the return trip I saw a Warthog and a Gazelle. Who needs a safari when you can take a bus ride for a fraction of the cost? Anyway, I'm really excited about my project and a little apprehensive with how much is expected of me as well. I'm really going to put my best into this project but the volunteer before me has done some amazing things and it's going to take awhile to get up to speed and be at his level. He had 33 years of Marketing experience going into this and pretty much started the Farmer Field School network for these people from the ground up. Now people are growing profitable crops and starting to sell and market to larger markets. He even has a child named after him in the village! At the same time I've been told I couldn't be coming in at a better time. A lot of the kinks have been worked out and a system is in place now to market crops and sell them at much higher margins than farmers were able to do a few years ago. Before FFS and the FAO project farmers were basically all growing the same things (Maize, Beans, Cassava) and taking them to the same market to sell to their neighbors who also are trying to sell the same crops. Not a very good system....there's a class coming into this lab now so I need to go. I'll finish up as soon as I can get online again.