Back by popular demand: Pictures!
I'm currently writing a proposal to the Kenyan Export Zone, which pretty much controls all exported goods from Kenya, to help convince them of the economic viability of building a plant here in Kakamega for the processing of raw agricultural materials for export. Currently the processed goods must first involve the transport of raw materials to Nairobi, so if all goes well the logistics of transport across the country and the added costs will no longer be a burden to the farmers here, plus there will be a huge market for crops right in Kakamega.
Also, I had a meeting with the guardian/sponsor of the sick orphan girl with AIDS and told her about the availability of antiviral drugs from the hospital here in Kakamega. She informed me she will take the girl there and keep me up to date on the latest. Of course, there are plenty more hoops to jump through but I'm hopeful we are on our way to saving a girl's life.
The head of the FFS network who I work with on a daily basis was hobbling around today and it turns out he had accidentally gashed his leg open with a panga (a Kenyan Machete) while harvesting crops in his shamba. I insisted that he go to a doctor but since those cost money it really wasn't much of an option for him, so I treated him to a tetanus shot (he's never had one), and took him to the pharmacist for antibiotics and disinfectants, all for less then ten dollars. So, my good deed is done for the day.
Anyway, I need to get back from my lunch break so here are some pics and I hope to post again soon:

Here is a sunset from the campsite we stayed at on Lake Victoria. I also have a picture of the hippos coming out of the water in the evening but it's really dark so it will have to wait until I have a chance to try and brighten it up.

Here is the Kisumu Beach Resort. It's not a bad deal at 300 shillings (about $4) a night.
Here is a sketchy boat we rented and went across the bay in. Hard to believe, but she's sea-worthy. Friends who have been on canoe adventures with me realize that I've been through much worse!!

Here is a snap from the New Years Dance party on the top of a boat on Lake Victoria

Woohoo! My first camel ride. Really exciting stuff. We trotted around the campsite for a few minutes and that was about the end of it.

On the boat on Lake Victoria
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